Wow! It's been ages since my last post.
Hi, I'm back! :)
Things happened, things changed.
Anyway, I have a news! I'm graduating this 21! YAY.
I can't stop thanking God for His abundant blessings and guidance during 3,5 years of my study in English Department of Atma Jaya. Thank you for being there everytime.. I mean it, everytime. Those times are hard, challenging, and yet fun. Thanks for the great adventure, Jesus! :D
Thank you for letting me graduate with satisfying results too. I never imagined to get these achievements, which always make me stand in awe everytime I think about it. How awesome You are!
Now I'm currently working in SMPK IPEKA Puri as an English teacher.. New fun experience. Yay!
The school is very far from my house which make me feel so exhausted, especially with my relentless activities preparing Easter at church. Oh my! :|
However, making friends with the students makes me feel happy..and young. :P
I'll learn a lot here.
See you in the next post! :D