Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Faithful Servant


Lord, we would be faithful
Lord we would follow You
We would be pure and holy,
devoted and true

At the end of our journey
On that glorious day
When we gaze into Your eyes
We want to hear You say:

"Well done, My good and faithful servant!
Enter into My Kingdom
You have fought the fight,
You have kept the faith according to My Word"

"Well done, My good and faithful servant!
Great is your reward
You have been faithful now your race is run
Well done, My servant, well done!"

"For I was hungry and you fed Me
Thirsty and you gave Me drink
You served others in My Name
You shared the Gospel without shame"

"And you were light in the darkness,
You were strength for the weary,
You were My messengers
to share My Gospel of love"

"Well done, My good and faithful servant!
Enter into My Kingdom
You have fought the fight,
You have kept the faith according to My Word"

"Well done, My good and faithful servant!
Great is your reward
You have been faithful now your race is run
Well done, My servant, well done!" 

"Well done, My servant, well done!"
"Well done!"

:) Faithful Servant (:

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